Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett

Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett is a children's mystery about the theft of a painting by Vermeer called "A Lady Writing". Two children, Calder and Petra,attending a magnet school in the Chicago suburb of Hyde Park follow clues and "coincidental" hunches to try recovering not only the painting, but the strange disappearance of Tommy and his friend named Frog. Puzzles and patterns help them figure out the clues.
A teacher, Ms. Hussey, the children's neighbor, Mrs. Sharpe, Petra's father, and a bookstore owner, Mr. Watch, somehow figure in the mystery, but the children can't decide which side they are on until all the pieces start to fit together.

I picked all the wrong suspects before I finished reading this book. I'm betting you will, too.

Kathi Linz

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