Thursday, April 10, 2014

Blackberry Pie Murder by Joanne Fluke

Joanne Fluke is still cooking when it comes to her mysteries with recipes. The cookie and muffin recipes tucked between chapters sound excellent.

Hannah is driving her cookie truck through a rural area during a crashing thunderstorm when she spots a tree limb down in the road. As she hits the brakes to stop, the truck skids and she feels a thump. Hannah gets out of the truck to check it out and finds that she has hit a man and he's dead.

Although it was completely an accident, Hannah ends up in jail for the weekend on a charge of vehicular homicide. She sends her family, friends and coworkers in search of the man's identity, since no one in town has ever seen him before.

On top of that, Delores, Hannah's mother, has told her four daughters that they can plan her wedding. But every time they try to suggest, colors, flowers, music, or anything else about the wedding, Delores changes her mind. The end result is that there is still no plan and time is running out.

A few of the riddles posed in this book come to a satisfactory conclusion, but this book is obviously part one of two since Hannah still has to go on trial for the man's death and the wedding has not yet taken place. I have to wait (as patiently as possible) for part two.

Joanne Fluke, soon please.

Kathi Linz

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